Wednesday, November 16, 2011

To Where You Are

You are like the petals of nature's finest jewel
That bloom only perfect on one day in all of history.
One......and only one.....
Thy name seeps from the lips with every fevered breath
Taken in deepest dreams
Inspired inspirations, exhales of regret
That touch each who turn to listen.
Crescendo of ocean's roar, blood's tide
That ebbs and flows upon the Shore of my Soul.
Feel the push-pull of Mother Moon as she rules o're us
Wandering alone in the night.
Solitude is not being lonely, merely alone.
I have never left you.
And I never will.

It was a promise I made him so long ago now that I do not recall the time of it.
But that matters not, in a world where time has no life
and life has no time.
The promise is the thing.
I thought I felt him,
riding the darkness of the storm,
coming back to me.
Yet in the quiet of my heart,
there is no other
either there or appearing on the sea in front of me.
I have kept his watch.  Days, months, more.  As he would do, were he here.
He did not think I knew of this, this watch of personal vigil he kept, yet what is it that the one half of the other does not know? 
So much akin we are as to be twin flames of the same taper,
one wick, one source, two entities,
sometimes flickering as one,
sometimes rising and falling of a separate accord.

We cannot always see the truth, for we do not know it all, but only our part,
Yet is it not all there, just all the same? 
And so it has proven, yet again. 
I am sure that all things are connected, even if we do not know how it would be so.  Events are interconnected, braided together to make the chain of one's life.
I am but impatient for the thing that I know will happen, eventually.
I will dwell on it yet again, in a night or two, but for now, I am weary.
I must make my way back to the Temple of Elune, for the watch to come, for the prayers that have become my life.  There my strength will return for I know from whence it comes.
Yea, I have only to have  patience and to believe. 

Now in understanding of the full circle of the moon's journey I say the words of my heart back again to him, I say again the prayer with which I began.  It is the last task I do every night, and always the same, for it gives me some small measure of comfort that all is in order and that one day the promise will be fulfilled. 

I cannot explain how I know, but I know, as surely as I know my heart beats, that no matter the distance between us, he is there, gazing at the same sky, the same moon, repeating the same promise to himself, even as am I. 

I know you hear me.
For you are only a breath away.
And a breath away is not too far...... where..... you are. 

Therefore I shall wait upon you.
I have Patience, in all her winged splendor, firmly bonded to me, now,
And she will fail me not.
I shall wait upon you, and my strength shall rise, as I do so.
So that for as long as it takes, I shall wait upon you,
even as I wait upon the Lord.

Who can say for certain
Maybe you're still here
I feel you all around me
Your memory, so clear

Deep in the stillness
I can hear you speak
You're still an inspiration
Can it be
That you are mine
Forever love
And you are watching over me from up above

Fly me up to where you are
Beyond the distant star
I wish upon tonight
To see you smile
If only for awhile to know you're there
A breath away's not far
To where you are

Are you gently sleeping
Here inside my dream
And isn't faith believing
All power can't be seen

As my heart holds you
Just one beat away
I cherish all you gave me everyday
'Cause you are my
Forever love
Watching me from up above

And I believe
That angels breathe
And that love will live on and never leave

Fly me up
To where you are
Beyond the distant star
I wish upon tonight
To see you smile
If only for awhile
To know you're there
A breath away's not far
To where you are

I know you're there
A breath away's not far
To where you are

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


"FOUR - Denotes creative works, and always has reference to the material creation, as pertaining to the earth, and things "under the sun", and things terrestrial."

So many times I have walked along the Mother's shores.
Each time is different.  Each time She is different.
Sometimes I have walked with another; often I have walked alone.
I am alone now once more.
But never has one walk been like any other.
Always there is something She teaches me, something I learn.
Always She restores the life in me.
And I am grateful to Her for it.

I rise from my rest earlier than is natural for my brethern, after the sun has passed its height, but long before he has surrendered to the will of Elune, as She rises in her rule of the night, and all those who live for Her coming.
An inbetween time, neither here nor there, neither day nor night, close enough to be in either world, yet part of none. 
None of my kind do thus, but I have taught myself to do so.
The reasons are many. 
It is a time when I can hear best the whispers....
......the whispers of Elune as She seeks to teach me of Her ways, answer the questions of my heart with Her wisdom, fulfills Her promises for my people to me.
.....the whispers of the Mother and the creatures living within Her boundaries, as she rolls on and on, never ceasing, but never the same, always changing but always there.
.....the whispers of mine own and those whose lives I guard with my very existence.
....the whispers of the times, times passed, times to come, times present, times of prosperity and peace, times of famine and suffering, times of destruction and wars and rumours of wars.
.....and the whispers of the silence.

I love the silence most of all.
It is my silence, my time of quiet, of listening, for never is the Mother silent, always she has something to say, in the sound of her constant waves.
And it is good to listen.
I walk along the sands in my silence, my essence drinking in from the Mother all that I am, all that She grants me to be, and I am who I am meant to be....who I was born to be....who I was named to be even before I was born....a Child of the Sea....a Child of Elune....
.... of God.
I do not have to think on this.  I just know it.  I become it.  I am One with it. 
The great Elune and I become One.
And it always takes me by surprise, that Elune should choose me for such, that I should be part of Her great plan, called to do Her biding, and be Her child, but it always and faithfully comes back around to be....this.
The two become One.
And I, unworthy to be, but made new because of who She is, stand forth in gratutude, as She loves me.
She first loves me.
She first.

Some days I walk along the sand.
Some days I merely stand in the Mother's presence and gaze upon her beauty.
On this day, I feel the need to touch the life of her sparkling waters and so I walk into them, smiling as they warm and caress my body.  I turn and walk along in the sea where the waves begin their metamorphasis, commanded by Elune to turn inside out, turn from the dark to the white light, exploding with a fury of chaos as the choice is presented to them....change from your gentle, swelling waters into something else, something different, something they never thought they would become....or could become....all in the name of their own preservation....their salvation....for as they bend to Elune's will.....repenting....She pulls them back from certain death as they would surely perish, lying separated and alone, upon the shore with the the sun's burning desires beating down upon them.
But they have chosen.
And so Elune pulls them back into her greatest creation of this earth, this world, that She has caused to come into being....the sea....and they become One with the Mother again.

Soon the Mother brings to me her treasures and the waters around and behind me become filled with her life, making more ripples in the waves as they get closer to me.  There are tiny fish and larger ones, small eels and sea urchins, jellyfish and manta rays, all swimming in harmony, and just to my left, dolphins play along the line of the waves, jumping the foamy barrier, for no other reason than to exhibit their sheer joy at being alive.  My precious friends!  They all have come to keep me company, and I laugh briefly as they swirl around, jockeying for position, each trying to get closer to my skin and brush against it, or swim against the fingers of my hands as they trail along the top of the water.  It seems the whole of Mother's bounty, every creature within Her creation, has come!  I should be euphoric with the love they bring and share with me!

But I am not.  The joy dissipates and I cannot bid it stay.
It is like there is a kernel of deep hardness growing inside, threatening to take me over, push me down and hold me under.   The brightness of the afternoon fades, in syncopation with my mood, as clouds of purple swell within the skies. 
I stop, and face the vastness of the ocean, as she rolls and trembles, darkening with each crashing wave.  I stand alone, eyes closed,  head bent against the rising wind, asking Elune for what I need.

     +    +    +    +    +    +    +    +    +    +

He comes.
Up from the depths, swims the great white, fierce fighter, worthy opponant, his fins slowly slicing through the waters, as the rest of the creatures flee from him.
He makes one pass in the water in front of me, slowly, turns, and comes back the other way, a menacing lifeless eye trained upon me as he passes.   I nod slowly to him, a nod of respect, a nod of invitation.  He is a survivor and there is something admirable about that.  He flourishes in a life apart and alone.  There is something starkly beautiful about that, and him.  He lives the life he was born to, lives it in all its glory and abundance.  He has much to teach and I much to learn. 
But not this day. 
I watch as he turns, heading out to sea, his tail slowly slashing from one side to the other, propelling his massive body forward.

A burst of immense thunder invades the austere silence of the scene.  The air is thick and dark with danger.
I back up, out of the waters, until I am standing in the coolness of the sand.
In the blink of an eye, in the quickness of a breath, all has changed.
I feel him.
Like a sudden bolt of lightning that splits the sky in two, immediate and thorough, its job to tear the veil between the worlds of here and there.
A blade plunged into my heart with such precision that I only feel it when it is withdrawn.
Cut me open.
Gone as quickly as it came.
I do not know where.  Or how.  Or what.
He who brings the storms.
He who holds my future, but wants it not.
I keep bleeding.
He is the reason I have brought the Kaldorei back from the brink of extinction. to this place of long ago past, to flourish again, to become what we were meant to be, to keep the hope even against all odds.

For this....for him....I have come.
I keep bleeding love.


Comin out of nowhere
Drivin like rain
Stormbringer dance
On the thunder again
Dark cloud gathering
Breaking the day
No point running
cause its coming your way

Ride the rainbow
Crack the sky
Stormbringer coming
Time to die
Got to keep running
Stormbringer coming
Hes got nothing you need
Hes gonna make you bleed

Rainbow shaker
On a stallion twister
Bareback rider
On the eye of the sky
Stormbringer coming down
Meaning to stay
Thunder and lightning
Heading your way

Ride the rainbow
Crack the sky
Stormbringer coming
Time to die
Got to keep running
Stormbringer coming
Hes got nothing you need
Hes gonna make you bleed

Coming out of nowhere
Drivin like a-rain
Stormbringer dance
On the thunder again
Dark cloud gathering
Breaking the day
No point running
cause its coming your way

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

He had not dreamed in so very long. A kind of limbo, that was dark and quiet. Much like the chambers that were high up within the great tree. His statue form still as death, but as elegant as any wish sent upon a falling star.
At his feet though, through the wood began to grow a carpet of green grass and tiny flowers of so many colors.
This was the fourth day. The day of creation...

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

To Fulfill A Prophecy

I dreamed of him.
I have not dreamed in....forever.
And not of him, ever.
Yet there it was. 
I woke immediately, knowing the voice I heard in previous days, the sword being drawn from its sheath, the thoughts so foreign, scrolling through my head, were no accidents, no imagination of my own, they were most real.
I counted back the days, remembering what the voice had not the voice, not any voice.....his voice....."at first light, on the fifth day..."
That had been three days ago....nights, as we refer to them, we Kaldorei being creatures of such darkness, our eyes being too sensitive to move about for long in the harsh heat and glare of what humans call day.  So.  Two more to wait.
"At dawn.  Look to the east."
I want to believe, I want to stand among those who do, shoulder to shoulder with the most honorable of my people, and even if it is with the last breath I take, look into his face, and believe.
I do not want to fail.
But even so, I doubt. 

I am strong,
I have discovered that in these last two, almost three years since I've been without him, stronger than even I dared to believe, but I still do not know if I am strong enough.
If anyone is.
If I see only his spirit, his likeness, will that be sufficient, to cause me never to doubt again, to strengthen me to the point of total belief, even if he is not flesh and blood, elven though it be?
If I see him and cannot touch him.....cannot stretch out my hand to his own....hold him within my arms, even as he does for me....kiss him upon that mouth of perfection as if I own him....will it be enough?
Will he know with such a touch the secret I have hidden from him all these years, if I share such tenderness of flesh with him?
Or will he think me wicked beyond the sacred trust Elune has placed within me, and not understand.
Understand how sometimes when I looked upon him, it was not the look of a mother upon a son, for how could it be, if it was not the mother who looked upon her son, but upon someone else's?
How only two alive had sworn to keep the secret and take it with them to the OtherWorld, and how one had already done that, so deep within the talons of Ysera's grasp in the Emerald Dream he did sleep?
How I am the only one left to know the truth, and how the truth gnaws at me from the inside out, like Ash'tala when she gnaws upon some bone she has found, growling and spitting at it, persistent in her pursuit, until one day I am sure there will be nothing left of me, like her bone;  not lust or longing or even regret, for a love I always carried for him, a love that was nothing like a mother's love.
Nothing like what he thought.
Nothing like what the whole world thought.

He asked me once long ago if I had dreamed of him, and when I replied that I had not, he answered, well, you will.  One day.  Sooner or later, everyone does. He warned me I ought not be surprised when it happened.
He would appear, he said, before me, dark and menacing, sadistically smiling, not with mirth, but with evil.  It would not be a good dream.  It would not be restful, pleasant.  Peaceful.
It would be troubling.
I think he had forgotten that it would occur, so long had it been.
I think it surprised him as much as it did me, that it even happened.
But it did.
And the biggest surprise of all was that it was nothing like what he told me.
Does he know that?
Does he know what I dreamed?
Did he send it to me, from beyond the Bridge, from the Emerald Dream, where all the dreamers sleep and all the sleepers dream?

Is that why I heard his voice?  As a prophecy?
Is this his time? 
Dare I to hope......our time?
Is that why in two nights time, I will made an escape of the guard and Garuk and all around me, and make my way dawn....with the song of hope deep within my breast?

Monday, July 25, 2011

The Calling

"Look to my coming, at first light, on the fifth day....
At dawn, look to the east..."

It is a voice known to her, so familiar, so precious, that suddenly and without warning rings out in the darkened chill of her chamber, sweeping away all other thoughts from her mind as she lays upon the bed, leaving only these:

what seems to be is always better than nothing
and nothing at all
is what a fool believes

it's hopeless
you know it
the battle is fierce
the enemy is crafty, his numbers great
his strategy a one-on-one fight and it appears to be working
many are called, many will die
only a radical few will remain
who was the first man behind Christ to enter paradise?
a thief to the world, to God he was Beloved
rock, paper, scissors
honor trumps them all

so much death
what can men do against such reckless hate?

ride out......
ride out with me.....and meet them....

ride with the one who says,

"When my time comes
even if I am old and grey,
I want to be standing, and dignified
I am a child of God
that is my prayer
let me have that kind of strength, that kind of courage..."

This you already know, just as well as you know who said it.
You hear nothing that does not already beat within your heart.
Despite what you think, you do have one.
Intact, beating, throbbing with life, full of love.

What can you do about it?
That is not the question.
It only matters that you stand up.
Be one of His.
Claim Him and be not afraid.
"It is not up to us the times we live in. It is up to us what to do with that time."

The voice comes to her again, softly, soothing, singing, suggesting.
"You just gonna lay there?
Or are we gonna go out and meet them?"

The room is filled with the sound of metal's hiss as if a sword is being drawn from its scabbard, as the voice accompanies:
"For you my Queen!!!"

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

I dream of rain.......

"I dream of rain
I dream of gardens in the desert sand
I wake in vain
I dream of love as time runs through my hand

I dream of fire
Those dreams that tie two hearts that will never die
And near the flames
The shadows play in the shape of the mans desire

This desert rose
Whose shadow bears the secret promise
This desert flower
No sweet perfume that would torture you more than this

And now she turns
This way she moves in the logic of all my dreams
This fire burns
I realize that nothings as it seems

I dream of rain
I dream of gardens in the desert sand
I wake in vain
I dream of love as time runs through my hand

I dream of rain
I lift my gaze to empty skies above
I close my eyes
The rare perfume is the sweet intoxication of love

I dream of rain
I dream of gardens in the desert sand
I wake in vain
I dream of love as time runs through my hand

Sweet desert rose
Whose shadow bears the secret promise
This desert flower
No sweet perfume that would torture you more than this

Sweet desert rose
This memory of hidden hearts and souls
This desert flower
This rare perfurme is the sweet intoxication of love"

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Bridge

Sometimes....I do not know where else to go....and so I find myself at the last place I saw the bridge.
I know you are not there.
I know I cannot follow you from there.
But it is the last place where I know you were, the total "you" that I knew.
I can talk to you there and its easier to believe that you might actually be hearing me.
I suppose I hold  a secret hope way down deep inside that I will hear you again from there.
But I don't tell that to anyone.
Its not that I have to be there, exactly, to talk to you.  I talk to you all the time, many times during the night, and day too if I happen to be awake, and I do believe you can hear me, even if Ysera's magic prevents you from answering, or I should say, answering in a way that I can understand, on this side of the bridge as I am.

I have stood with my hand upon the stone....your often.
I have stood there, contemplating. 
It is forbidden to cross the bridge....of our own free will, that is....without Ysera or one of her spawn dragons coming for us.  That is written in the very first volume of the Elune's Words.  How, if one does, one loses everything....including the hope of ever being together again with those who have crossed.  And, there is so much yet to be done here, for the Kaldorei on this side.  I know I cannot forsake them and put only my wishes in front of everything else.
And so I stand there, contemplating.....but never moving forward. 
The bridge goes on for eons and eons, up into the very clouds themselves, and its end cannot be seen.  It seems to wind its way up and up into nowhere, but of course we all know that it goes to the Emerald Dream. 
And I would try it, but no one has ever returned to cross back over the bridge from the Dream to us. 
We are left to imagine and stake our faith on the Words of Elune, not really knowing, just hoping.
Hoping that the stories are true, that one day we all will cross the bridge and again find those who Ysera has claimed.

It is often near sunset when I come.  That seems to be the time that I need to hear from you, or at least talk to you.
I wake early, and slip out of the Temple alone without the fae guard and before the dark has fully developed, its power spread among the people to bring them out of their day slumbers to another night of making this land of Willowmere our home.  The work is progressing well as we adapt to the trees themselves for our survival, our homes, and soon I will need to approach the Queen in person and make our presence known officially, even though the fae have told me that it is already strongly suspected that our magic is once again alive and working here.  Truly, I do not anticipate friction, but nevertheless, I want to have the people well entrenched within the forest, the warriors at the ready, just in case we need a show of force.  This is our last stand, our last chance, here in the land of our ancestors, and if we cannot replenish our souls here, I do not have any answers as to where we can, so it is imperative that we make the supreme effort, in any way we have to. 

These are the times that I wish you were here. 
I need your counsel, I need your wisdom.
I simply need you....your arms about me as we watch the sunset and welcome the night.
So I come to where you were last upon this earth.
And I ache for you in the silence that you keep, the words you cannot say and I cannot hear, from beyond the bridge.
I stay until the sun has gone completely below the level of the horizon and I thank Elune for the beauty of the sunset and the night and I wonder how much more glorious it is on your side, from where you are now, from how you see it.
And I tell Elune how I cannot wait to be called to the bridge and bade cross it....and see you once again.
But there is silence.
And I know the time is not now, not yet.

I miss you, Mal.
We all miss you.
And there has not yet been a druid ordained within our ranks who can compare with your skill, your knowledge.
You are legendary among the Kaldorei.
Even your very name, Malfurion Stormrage, is spoken in reverence, as if the name itself had power it could confer upon the one who spoke it. 
But I never speak your name in a crowd.  I never call upon you for your power in quite that way.
I am leader now and I cannot show a doubt, a weakness, a tentativeness by calling upon you for help in such a public way.
I must be strong enough on my own to show the Kaldorei that we can continue, that I think we all will survive and do so because of who we are now....and who we are yet to be.
Not who we were.
But to you alone, when I stand at the bridge and speak to you, I say to you.....
....I love you still.
And I sing your name to the Wind with all the love in my heart reflected in My Voice so that She carries it to your ears, to your heart, even as deeply within the Emerald Dream as you are now......
....and so that you will hear me.


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I am the Voice.....

I am the Voice of the Kaldorei race.
I am the Voice of the High Priestess of Elune, the Temple of the Moon.
I am the Voice of She who Whispers Songs of Love upon the Wind to the Sea.

I live by the Hope of the Coming Again....for it is a Promise....and a Promise will n'er be Forsaken.   
That, I trust......that, I live....that, I breathe....until I breathe no more.

I love by the Hope of the Heart which is always First to find the Truth.

My magic is in the the Voice that sings the music.

I sing the Music of the Mother, first of all, to my Blades, the five Dragon Princes of Kalimdor, then to all the Kaldorei of the Great Dark, for they are all my children.
I am the Voice of the power of the Sea and all the Creatures therein, for the Mother Herself has bestowed Her Blessing Upon me.

I am the Voice of the Whispers of the Willowmere.....      
"I hear your voice on the wind
And I hear you call out my name

"Listen, my child," you say to me
"I am the voice of your history
Be not afraid, come follow me
Answer my call, and I'll set you free"

I am the voice in the wind and the pouring rain
I am the voice of your hunger and pain
I am the voice that always is calling you
I am the voice, I will remain

I am the voice in the fields when the summer's gone
The dance of the leaves when the autumn winds blow
Ne'er do I sleep thoughout all the cold winter long
I am the force that in springtime will grow

I am the voice of the past that will always be
Filled with my sorrow and blood in my fields
I am the voice of the future, bring me your peace
Bring me your peace, and my wounds, they will heal

I am the voice in the wind and the pouring rain
I am the voice of your hunger and pain
I am the voice that always is calling you
I am the voice

I am the voice of the past that will always be
I am the voice of your hunger and pain
I am the voice of the future
I am the voice, I am the voice
I am the voice, I am the voice "